I’m Blushing — Patricia’s Wisdom on The New Men

Patricia’s Wisdom says,

THE NEW MEN is very well written, and I believe the writer captured lots of the feelings people were experiencing … What an amazing time period to be a part of and living within, and the author has mixed the facts and the fiction in just the right portions to tell a terrific story.  I could not put the book down.  After the first hours read, I was hooked and so did the next read in 6 hours straight into the next day!   THE NEW MEN is that good.

Missris Says Kind Things


About The New Men, Missris says this:

It’s not exactly a light beach read, but rather a closer look into a social experiment by the Ford Motor Company that most people don’t know much about. It also raises interesting questions about the role of a company in the lives of its workers, which is something that definitely still has relevance today, whether or not we realize it. … Overall, I found the book interesting and well-researched.

Still, there goes my promo idea to offer sunscreen and a Model T beach towel with every copy.

More Kind Words — Life Is Story

Jen Roman said these nice things about The New Men on Life Is Story:

Filled with historical notes and an interesting storyline, The New Men educates readers while entertaining … I thoroughly enjoyed this story of a fictional family living as a real one might during the start of America’s industrial age, and I am sure others who have similar interests will find it as engaging as I did.

Thanks, Jen!

Why Hello, Brazil!

Okay, so this blog gets visitors like Rodney Dangerfield got respect. And, unsurprisingly, those few readers it does get almost all access it from within the US.

But for whatever reason, the second most represented nation by a notable margin is (or at least seems to be) Brazil. And this has been true since before the World Cup, so it’s not as if I’m simply starting to get visits from people who suddenly find themselves in need of guidance on how to be an underdog.

So I’m curious. Is this some sort of VPN artifact? Is there some Brazilian Danny McGrath giving a lot of thought to whether I’ve earned a spot on his kill list? (If so, sorry, Danninho!) Something else altogether?

Yeah, Steven Hawking looks at the heavens and wonders; I look at my blog’s stats page and do the same. There’s a lesson in there, I’m sure.


UPDATE: As of Aug. 6, 2014 the overwhelming majority of page views (90.3%) is still from the US. But Brazil remains the strong second (5.1%), well ahead of the rest of the pack (third place has a mere 0.7%). My operatives continue their investigations.

Bibliotica Says Kind Things

As you know, The New Men has begun a coast-to-coast blog tour. Since it’s currently taking a break to sip Dom Pérignon at 30,000 feet in the Corinthian leather seats of its G6 (and is far too lazy to deal with mundane tasks like bogging anyway), it falls to me to let you know that it’s earning its perks so far.

The first blog tour review is in, and it’s a very kind one from Melissa at Bibliotica:

From the opening notes … to the very last page, I was never bored. In fact, it would be fair to say that I was riveted, because I read this book last weekend, cover to cover, in one night…

Sometimes gritty, sometimes poignant – often at the same time – The New Men is a period piece that manages to comment on contemporary culture without feeling as if it’s doing so…

Blog Tour

The New Men will be doing a blog tour this August.

Apparently, this doesn’t involve my doing anything other than occasionally remarking to people that it’s happening and pretending to understand what it entails.

It seems to boil down to the fact that my novel has a more active intellectual and social life than I do. I wish I could at least feel surprised by that.

Details closer to August (and/or upon greater comprehension).