The Blog Tour, A Historical Reconstruction

These days, with the Internet, cloning, and Martian colonies, it’s hard to remember the simpler days of summer 2014.

But now that The New Men‘s blog tour has (almost) wrapped up, I want to hark back to that innocent time by thanking everybody who took the time to read and review the novel.

In particular, I want to thank the following reviewers on the dispassionate and objective grounds that they said nice things about it:


Thanks, everybody!


Also, please remember that if you liked The New Men now is a good time to say so at online retailers (especially Amazon)!


A Cool Spot in the Shade

Readers’ Oasis has just offered a thoughtful and positive review of The New Men:

Good historical fiction, for me, should do two things: first, offer a compelling story, and second, teach me something new about a period in the past. The New Men does both. The story of Tony and his family’s journey from Italy to America, and Tony’s emotional journey through his work at Ford’s Sociological department, is both absorbing and interesting …

[O]verall, The New Men is a well-written, impeccably researched, and original historical novel. I would recommend The New Men to readers who like literary fiction, as well as those who read primarily historical fiction. I will look forward to whatever topics Jon Enfield chooses to tackle next in his fiction!

Thanks, Readers’ Oasis! Now, I promised my publisher I wouldn’t divulge too many details about the subject matter of my upcoming novel. But, apropos of nothing, doesn’t it seem like there’s a real paucity of leprechaun erotica set in fifteenth-century Norway?